

The OPP Lithium Battery has been developed to power its buses. Utilizing years of experience in battery technology, the OPP Lithium Battery is safe, stable, environmentally friendly and ensures a longer lifetime.



Battery TOSHIBA SCiB LTO 552 V / 44 kWh
Electric range up to 70 km
Opportunity charge time 5 min every 20 km
Opportunity charging  Inverted pantograph / 130 kW / 12 min (SOC 20% to 80%)
Plug-in DC charging  CCS2 / 110 kW / 15 min (SOC 20% to 80%)
 Plug-in AC charging  Type 2 / 3.3 kW / 11 h (SOC 20% to 100%)
 Operating temperature   -30C to +40C